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Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya The king of Gupta period 380-414 AD?

Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya': 380-414 AD

Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya The king of Gupta period 380-414 AD?
Chandragupta II gold coins horse

• According to Devi Chandragupta (Vishakhadatta). Samudragupta wa
succeeded by Ram Gupta. It seems Ramgupta ruled for a very short period
He was the only Gupta ruler to issue copper coins. 

• Ramagupta, a coward and impotent king agreed to surrender his queen
Baaders to Saka invader. But the prince Chandragupta II, the younge
brother of the king, resolved to go to the enemy's camp in the guise of the quee
with a view to kill the hated enemy Chandragupta II succeeded in killing the
Saka ruler.

• Chandragupta II also succeeded in killing Ramgupta, and not only seized his
kingdom but also married his widow Dhruvadevi.
• Chandragupta Il extended the limits of empire by matrimonial alliances
(with the Nagas and Vakatakas) and conquests (Western India). He married
Kutama of Naga dynasty and married his daughter Prabhavatigupta with
Vakataka prince Rudrasena II. 

• As a result of the overthrow of Saka rule in Western India, the Gupta empire
extended upto Arabian sea. He issued silver coins in the memory of victory
Over Sakas. He was 'the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins and adopted the
title Sakari and Vikramaditya Rain seems to have been made the second
capital by Chandragupta II. 

Mehrauli (near Kutub Minar, Delhi) Iron Pillar inscription says that the king
defeated the confederacy of Vangas and Vahilkas (Bulkh).

Navaratna i.e. nine gems) of Chandragupta II: 1. Kalidasa (Poetry Ritusamhara, Meghaduta, Kumarasambhavam, Raghuvamshama; Dramas

Malvikagnimitra, Vikramorvashiyam, Abhijnan-Shakuntalam) 2. Amarsinh
(Amarsinh Kosha)3.  Dhanavantri (Navanitakam-medicine text) 4. Varahamihira in
(Panch Siddhanta, Brihat Samhita, Vrihat Jataka, Laghu Jataka) 5. Vararuchi
(Vartika-a comment on Ashtadhyayi)6. Ghatakarna7 Kshapranak8e Velabhatt
9 Shanku

Fahien, a Chinese pilgrim, visited India during Chandragupta's reign and
described what he saw in his travelogue-gu-oji'. 

Titles : Devagupta/Devaraja/Devashri, Parama Bhagavata, Narendra
Chandra, Sinh Vikram etc. 

Original types of Gold coins (Dinaras): Ashvarohi type, Chhatradhari type
tra Chakra-Vikram type etc.

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