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How to Use Striker in Termux

How to Use Striker in Termux

How to Use Striker in Termux

     Striker is recon and vulnerability scanning suite used to scan vulnerabilities.

It is used to update the termux tools

$apt update 

How to Use Striker in Termux

It is used to upgrade termux tools

$ apt upgrade

How to Use Striker in Termux

It is used to install github tools in termux

$ apt install git

How to Use Striker in Termux

It is used to install python programming language

$ apt install python

How to Use Striker in Termux

It is latest version of python

$ apt install python2

How to Use Striker in Termux

It is used to clone github tools

$ git clone (link in github)

How to Use Striker in Termux

To go to directory put like this
$ cd Striker
How to Use Striker in Termux

To install modules put this command
$ pip2 install -r requirements.txt

How to Use Striker in Termux

Run :
$ python2 striker.py

How to Use Striker in Termux

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