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Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions


the evolution of computers are as follows, 

1.The mark I computer (1937-44) :- 

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions
Mark I computer

It is also known as Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator. It was first fully calculating machine designed by Howard . Aiken it was very complex in design and huge in size. It was capable of performing five basic arithmetic operations like+, -, X, / & table reference on number.

2. ABC (1939-42) :-

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions
Atansoff Berry Computer

 Dr John Atnasoff developed an electronic machine to solve mathematical equations. The machine was called Atansoff Berry Computer Or ABC.

3. The ENIAC (1943-46) :-

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions
The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator (ENIAC) was the first all electronic computer. It was constructed at the Moore School of Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A by Professor Jaan. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. This machine took up wall space in 20X40 square Feetroomand used 18000 vacuum tubes. It could add two numbers in 200 microseconds.

4. The EDVAC (1946-52) :-

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions
Electronic Discrete Automatic Calculator

         The Electronic Discrete Automatic Computer (ADVAC) was used to store program concept in its design. The basic idea about on this machine was first laid by Dr. John Von Neuman. The main function of the EDVAC is to store the both instruction and data in binary numbers or human readble words.

5. The EDSAC (1947-49) :-

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions
Electronic Delay Strong Automatic Calculator

       After the EDSAC, Britishers developed the Electronic Delay Strong Automatic Calculator (EDSAC). The machine executed it's first program in may 1949 . A group of scientists headed by professor Maurice Wilkes at the Cambridge University Mathematical Laboratory developed this machine.

6. The UNIVAC I (1951) :-

Evolution of computer are six types of computers : Definition, types & instructions

       The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) was the first digital computer that was not ''one of a kind''. UNIVAC I was first installed in the Census Bureau in 1951. Some example of UNIVAC are IBM (International Business Machine), IBM701, IBM650. It was available for business ans scientific applications.

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